Oct 132020

Recently, on the website Bat House Forum, the poster known as bird brain had this to say about bat boxes for sale online. Read on:

Nice Rocket Boxes Finally For Sale Online

Post by bird brain » Thu Nov 07, 2019 1:25 am

I have always been intrigued with the rocket box concept. I think they have many advantages. No mounting bracket required. The rocket box mounts directly on your pole. The bats have 4 sides to choose from for comfort, not just one. Watching bats exit from a rocket box has to be more exhilarating, since they can exit from four sides instead of one.I’ve been looking at online bat house manufactures for years. I’ve seen many bat houses for sale but never any rocket boxes. If you wanted a rocket box, you simply had to build your own. Well that has all changed. I recently found 2 bat house manufacturers peddling rocket boxes. These manufacturers aren’t easy to find on most search engines. I had to check 3 or 4 pages of search results to find them. So I thought I’d share their links.


Both companies base their rocket box design on Bat Conservation International’s do it yourself plans.


I like the first company above a little better because he uses no plywood or plastic netting. The second company does. The first company above is also cheaper and offers choices of wood. I think I’m going to pull the trigger and buy a rocket box from the first company listed above. I was going to build my own, but now I’d rather have it delivered to my front porch. I’ll keep you posted.